Project management

From WikiSolar
Revision as of 07:05, 3 May 2021 by HK (talk | contribs) (v0)
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Here is the Heading page for all WikiSolar articles linked to project management and methology of work.

Project Management[edit | edit source]

Each project or task of a project is defined by 3 elements :

  1. Quality : What you do, all the technical aspects, and most of the WikiSolar articles are dedicated to help you in how to do build properly a solar project
  2. Cost aka Budget
  3. Timeline

To perform in a project or a task, these elements should be every time considered and monitored.

As the aim of WikiSolar is to provide explanations and tools to perform in all aspects needed, here are some articles dedicated to the project, budget and planning management.

Articles[edit | edit source]