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Initially called “The Solar University”, I launched WikiSolar in 2019 with Femi, which aim was to share knowledge about solar projects in order to help people working in this industry all across the world, especially in small companies.

I worked for 10 years in the solar industry, in Africa, Europe and Australia, on Distributed Generation projects as well as (very) large scale PV plants ;  I’m very passionate and every time happy to learn from others and share skills or ideas.

From background I’m an electrical engineer, but today lots of skills are needed to deliver good solar projects, so I'm tring to learn as much as possible to be able to cover all of them.

Initially specialized in hybrid projects (several source like PV, Generator, Grid, with and without storage), I worked (very hard) on the engineering, construction and commissioning of a 200MWp PV plant.

Now, I have launched the company TEWA Solar and, with a team of very skilled people, we provide engineering and commissioning services for solar projects.

All these projects and experiences allowed me to meet incredible people, competent and motivated by the same desire to act, and I am very happy that they are now part of the WikiSolar adventure and help to share their knowledge.

WikiSolar is not going to fill my fridge, but the idea is really to devote time and energy to help other doing solar projects, and hence have more leverage than what can be done alone.

I am deeply motivated to act every day to make the energy transition happen !

Hervé Kleiss

You can write me by mail or on Linkedin