
From WikiSolar
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This website is done by people working in the Solar and Renewable industry, working from small home systems, microgrid, and up to the biggest Solar Farms. The only goal is to make Solar projects development, design, installation and commissioning, easy and accessible to anyone around the world.

We are convinced that today and at our small level, the most effective action to counter global warming is to share our knowledge so that the entire solar industry can improve and grow together. We believe that there will be enough opportunities in the world in the years to come that it is not necessary to hide knowledge in order to be more competitive than another company. Improvement of entire solar industry will increase the credibility of the sector which will benefit us all.

Anyone can edit or create new pages on wikisolar, so if you think you can improve a page or speak about a useful topic, dont hesitate to click on "edit" on the top right. If you want to be part of the discussions of the Wikisolar team, just send a mail using the contact page Nothing to earn except the personal fulfillment of knowing that you are helping someone in the world.